Geometry Dash Subzero has an amazing music that plays throughout the game. However, like in the last game, the levels are riddled with traps that prevent you from finishing them! It is your responsibility to discover patterns and the safest paths to adopt in order to complete the risky levels in one piece. Geometry Dash returns with its excellent sequel, Geometry Dash Subzero, just when you thought you'd had your fill of platforming games! This newest release from RobTop Games allows you to manage a geometric form from one area of a level to the conclusion. After some levels, another feature will be available: as a double-jump, slither under the obstacles, unlock new geometry lite characters. This game is easy to play, just tap to jump and flap. Jump in, brace yourself, and get ready for dangerous passages and thorny obstacles! This won't be easy. Geometry Dash Subzero is a game that is perfect for gamers that love challenges.