Enable/Bypass - Enable/Disable Pitcher.You can manually override any Scale setting by turning these notes on and off. When deselected the note is avoided and the input is pitched to the nearest active note. Notes (C to B) - When selected the note is available for pitching input audio.You can adjust the frequency of A3 (440 Hz) to other reference scales. Key - Pitches that fall on notes not included in the scale will be shifted to the nearest note in the scale.Automated pitch correction - There are a group of 4 controls that affect the output pitch:.Reduces CPU load as frequency detectors below the Min setting are disabled. Particularly useful with vocals, try 80-170 Hz with males and 170-220 Hz with females. rumble & vibrations, breath pops, background noise etc). Avoids spurious low frequencies interfering There are two benefits to selecting the highest Minimum frequency that works with your source audio. Minimum Frequency (Min:) - Select the minimum detected frequency in the input.Independent tunes the L and R channels independently.

Pitch reference (REF) - Select the input channel, L, R or Independent, used for pitching.When using MIDI control, align (or play) notes slightly ahead of the vocal so you don't miss the vocal attack sound.Phasing, chorus and reverb can negatively impact pitch detection. Put Pitcher first in the effects chain so that it receives a non-effected input.If you don't know what key your vocals are in, watch the pitch indicator and deselect notes that are detected but unwanted. Select the appropriate scale for your vocal.It won't work with choirs, chords or complete mixes although abusing it this way may yield creative effects. Pitcher works with monophonic (single note) sounds.Use the Input Pitch detection indicator as a guide. Avoid singing pitches on the boundary between notes in the scale.WARNING: You are NOT allowed to use this plugin to tune crappy vocals and make millions! A related plugin for detailed pitch correction, editing and sample manipulation is Newtone. Pitcher is a real-time pitch-correction, manipulation & harmonization plugin that can correct and harmonize under MIDI control from a keyboard or the Piano roll.